OSU Daily temperature on 01/16/2009

1/18/2009 ·

The below figure shows the daily temperature distribution observed from OSU campus station on January 16, 2009. The min. temperature is -23.03C (~ -9.51 F). The max. temperature is -16.63C (~ 2.07F). Notice that the time is UTC. It should be converted to local time by subtracting 5 hours as well.
As I know, almost at the same time, the cold advection also attacked East Asian.
I think it might be interesting to take look if any symmetric structure is in the synoptic pattern.

早上8:30我車裡的溫度計量到的溫度是 -8 F,這也是他第一次量到零下F的溫度 (之前量到的最高溫是在Maryland: +110 F)。

走在路上,第一次覺得自己像是冰箱冷凍庫中的肉... ~_~凸

Figure source: Twister: Ohio State Universit Wx


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