Campus Building@OSU (3) - Knowlton Hall, Bldg #017

6/19/2008 ·

If you ask me which building has the most special look at the OSU, I definitely vote Knowlton Hall - I don't even exactly know its name till I took these pictures from it.
If you know that this building is used by the Department of Architecture, you will not be so surprised. Knowlton Hall has not only an unique shape, but also the special partitions for the exhibits of the students inside the building. I don't have enough materials to take a shot inside, but I might try it in the future. It also has a coffee shop in the building. You can get a cup of coffee when you wanna take a break from your work.

如果你問我OSU最奇形怪狀的建築物是哪一棟大樓? 我一定會投Knowlton Hall一票 - 雖然我現在才知道他的名字。如果你知道他也是建築系的系大樓,那應該就不會覺得太奇怪了。這棟大樓不但有獨特的外觀,他裡面的隔間也很有特色,以因應學生們展覽的需求。我因為設備不足無法進入裡面拍攝,希望以後能有機會進去照一照它內部的細節。裡面有一個小的coffee shop,工作累的話,可以到這裡來小憩一番。

See more pictures of Knowlton Hall...


Anonymous said...
6/20/2008 12:25 AM  

Wow...that's a special one taken from a different angle. Nice! ^^

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